Thursday, April 8, 2010

A not so shining but pretty much good day.

Yo peeps~ I'm back this time.. finally grabbed some time to blog a little.. So yeah.. here goes..

Practically today wasn't quite a good day.. =_=" I kinda got busted at school for going down to recess earlier. And that sort of ruined my day.. Well.. I guess lately I just didn't notice the emotional stress I've been having lately.. Too much responsibility I guess.. So yeah.. Today wasn't so pretty..

Also.. Haha.. i don't know if I should say this in public but.. Argh.. who cares.. =_=".. Well.. today I sorta had a mini breakdown in school.. haiz.. =w=". It was moral actually.. Came in class.. Sat down and teacher explained about all the moral folio thingy.. >_<" Then i was staring at the paper.. I dunno.. at that time I felt kinda depressed.. I wanted to release it so much.. So damn much.. so yeah.. took up my pencil and my notebook then started scribbling.. Doodled a chibi eagle, a emoticon with a big stress word on top.. (sorry no pics) and also a long argue on paper with myself.. So yeah.. after that I felt really bad.. I just let my head down abit and looked like I was sleeping and yeah.. Few drops of salt water slipped out from my eyes.. I dunno.. today was kinda depressing.. =/ After moral was Add maths.. I got so tireed I just collapsed and slept for the hour..

So yeah.. I emo-ed.. =/ went to YE meeting after that.. Cheered up a little there.. Was more of a light and easy meeting.. =) Talked about stock challenge.. I'm kinda nervous actually.. hehe XD so yeah.. After that hanged out at B.K from 2.30pm till 4pm like that.. While most of us were hangin' in, chillin' out. Somebody and somebody (sweet couple) went dating somewhere else the school.. Haha.. Happy for them.. 1st time seeing those 2 smiling so sweetly for so long.. haha.. xD

Well.. And lately.. the drama season has rised again.. Looking around everyone is having a target or not already in pairs already.. Kokonuht is with you-know who~ JunYu also.. Kelvin's one was also quite a suprise to me.. And Desmond's.. ah poor desmond.. =w= just because of this thing he got himself quite into some drama.. =/ Shouldn't be letting juice flowing around freely so yeah.. Anything can come ask me.. I'll telll you what you should know for the benefit of all.. =/

So yeah.. Wad? About me? haha~ I'm not really into this stuff~ Don't really have any particular target.. Just enjoying the company of everyone around me. :D Life isn't all about love right? So yeah~ Currently this fruit has not ripen so haha.. You gotta wait for some juice.. xD that's all..

So yeah, I'll try to end this with a brief summary of sport's day.. :D

Well, Hari sukan was Awesome~ :D Marched for St John and sold button bracelets for Y.E! I kinda messed up during marching so paiseh to all! >_<" but the button bracelets sales was awesome! The red ones and blue one's were already sold out within 90 minutes! Awesome right! :D Then after that we walked to Pizza hut to have lunch with the St Johns~ then went to Rayhan's house for a uber cool karaoke session~ ;D That time almost everyone was smsing someone.. o_o except like me and Kelvin.. sad kelvin.. sad me.. xD lols~

So yeah.. That concludes the short blog for today~ ;D thx and bai~

p.s.Hope I don't emo anymore~~ T_T lols.. bye bye~ ;D

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