Sunday, April 25, 2010

A round over the weekend

Yo people~ as said I promised an update.. But yeah.. I'm kinda drained out today.. So I don't think I can talk about the topics I've chosen.. So yeah. =/ sorry guys.. Just gotta wait..

Anyway.. Talkinga bout DRAINED OUT! Urgh.. This weekend was just tiring.. Well.. To be frank it started from Friday night.. Had the most scariest dream I had in life.. The 1st time I dreamt about someone close to me got hurt so seriously.. Anyway here's the sypnosis (spare the details)

It was about this friend with codename Frog. Well.. In that dream Frog actually went insane.. Then to prevent Frog from hurting someone else.. A dude kinda cut off her right palm (Like really the whole hand was gone).. And he/she was like giving a blank stare at he/she hand then fainted.. Then I kinda woke up traumatized.... =/

Well anyway.. after that went to USJ12's canteen day.. It wasn't all that fun.. but at the end of the day.. I did enjoy it thanks to my friends! :)
(I actually wrote the whole thing but cancelled cause it was very negative.. I don't want my readers to read negative stuffs~ xD)

After that, We went for tuition.. =w=" Our Chemistry teacher Had an emergency leave.. It was a free whole hour from 2-3pm.. Was super tired but didn't slept.. But slept through the whole physics hour afterwards.. Damn.. =w="

After tuition went for epic BASKETBALL! >D Lawls.. it was super fun! :) but had 2 BIG BLISTERS under my feet due to bermain bola dengan berkaki ayam.. Luls..

So yeah.. Practically was drained out cause of canteen day and the aftershocks.. Then at night my mom took me out for dinner with her friends.. Went out for like 2-3 hours and I was super sleepy.. =_=" haiz.. anyway.. reached home at 11pm.. and then watched a movie then slept..


Phew, today was okay.. Just that it was kinda tensed up.. Went to temple for TQG.. The session was fun.. Credits to Swea Ching for making it awesome!

Then yeah.. came the hard part for the committees.. The "after-session-short-meeting".. Well.. the feedback was okay.. Only one of our committee got kinda pressured cause it's her session next week.. And yeah.. had a lot of talks+explaining going around then yeah.. went out to Mcd for Lunch lunch..

Well. that was when alot of arrows came flying around.. Started with Shu Hui saying that people born in 1994 (My age) are bounded with emo-ness cause our koperasi AJK interview was sorta given a cold shoulder from the people they expected alot from and also because alot of we form 4's are more emo nowadays etc.. So yeah..

It was actually okay (I think) until Jer Cheng said it wasn't really fair for us to say we form 4 people are emo etc.. Well.. Then till Lunch we all had a like.. straight forward talk among ourselves... Which was kinda frank to certain people.. Well. I'm glad we had that talk.. We had a clearer picture of what's happening which is a good thing I guess.. =)

After lunch, went back to temple for camp meeting.. It was another semi-stressful event.. While one of the ex-cos was reminding us about the urgency of the camp cause we're kinda behind schedule.. One of the committees broke down cause of the stress.. Her partner wasn't really helpful and she was sort of holding up most of the work.. So yeah.. =/.. Sad case.. Actually I'm quite glad me and my partner are happy with what each of us are doing... =/

Well.. after that came home.. Totally drained.. Tried to sleep.. but failed.. So yeah.. Came on and blogged.. Sorry if this post affects your emotions cause yeah.. this IS quite a negative post.. >w<" So yeah.. I guess that's all for this time..

This is JenSion, signing off once more.. This time with a poem...

"Appreciate the flour you have,
Learn from the milk you've spilt,
Share the cheese, if needed,
And together, You'll make one hell-of-a-cake!"


p.s. This poem actually is reflecting apon life...

Appreciate then things we have around us, and don't take it for granted..
Learn from the mistakes you've done in the past, and don't repeat it...
Share your piece of mind or opinions/problems if needed, find a shoulder to lie on...
And together, I'm sure you can make something meaningful out of this life! :)

-The End-

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