Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The ups and downs..

Dear blog readers..
Hi, Heh.. Well.. Firstly. I'm sick.. My head hurts and I'm feeling fatigue. Not due to H1N1 apparently.. More of a emotional stress problem I guess.. Lately stuffs had been kinda too much.. Actually. I don't really even know what I'm stressing for.. Family? Love? Lack of attention?

Well.. Actually its sorta the 3rd one i guess.. Lately.. haih.. school's been boring.. so I join activities, then when I join.. everytime I come home my family would either be in bad mood or good mood.. It's actually a very sad thing.. Anytime you come home tired and if they're in a bad mood, you're really into it.. My mom will complai about my lifestyle, my dad would scold me for the things I didn't done and my sis would just shout out of higher her voice when talking just a little bit.. And you just get in the bad mood and shout back..

So yeah.. Family issues.. Number one.. About what happened today..

Cloudy Day

Well.. Practically I woke up in a very moodless mood already.. =/ Didn't feel good.. But still went to school.. Went there.. went up to class.. Had a normal Moral, pontenged physics... I've forgotten where I went.. Oh yea.. went to 4C with Desmond and Junyu.. Had epic drawing on each other's hand.. And yeah.. after that was Civic.. Slept through the whole thing.. =( then yeah.. The rain started..


Well.. After sleep.. I wasn't feeling that awesome.. My head hurts, my eyes are freakin red.. My whole body was swaying.. And I was getting irritated by my class' atmosphere by the minute.. urgh.. So yeah.. went out for a walk.. And yeap.. It was Sejarah.. who cares anyway.. =/

Well.. Actually it wasn't that bad at first.. Went down for recess with
the form 3's.. one thing about the form 3's.. They never fail to make
you feel better. :) was pretty moody when going downstairs.. Then
yeah.. Thank god xsaye and Li-ann cheered me up.. :) They're good
people... And apparently my eye's was red for the whole day cause
of sensitive eyes.. And sophie was kinda fascinated by it. =w=" well..
after that went to find Mei Huey at the library.. Talked about some
stuff which is actually kinda troublesome/sad.. then went on.

Actually IMO, 1st recess is always nice.. Enjoy it so much more than
the 2nd.. the 2nd recess is always full of stale people & stale food.
Sorry peeps..

Well after both recess.. I practically slept through half of chemistry..
Couldn't stand the lab's air ventilation.. so yeah.. after that was bio!
urgh! That lab's even worse.. So yeah.. pontenged again but wasn't
that lucky now.. =/.. Got caught by Rozaimi 15 min before school
ended. =( and yeah.. after school went to Bilik Kesihatan (BK) and
that was when the signs of the storm showed.

Before the Storm


Well.. It was actually still ok inside BK.. then suddenly I had to sleep
after that i was feeling seriously sick.. I could feel my head hurts and
my whole body tensing up.. =/.. Well.. Tried to help out Mei huey in
her typing for St John stuffs but phailed cause she didn't knew what
to type.. =w= and yeah.. After i went home.. There came the drama.

The Breakdown


Yeah.. Went home.. Slept.. waited for my mom to come back
home.. then I sorta like told everything to her.. =( was feeling
real bad after that.. Told her most of the stuffs I wasn't so happy
about.. And she got it I guess.. I was just lacking some attention
and just wanted some people to care about me.. hehe~well.. cried..
slept.. then went to tuition at night.. came back.. blogged..

-End of Story-

But there are something that I wish to clarify..

1. Whenever you see I'm quiet.. I'm not emo-ing. .I'm just friggin
tired and stressed cause of class.. and there's a 90% chance I
just woke up(bad mood alert)...

2. When I'm emo.. please don't come over and just say hi or yo
wassup then walk away, You're gonna annoy me more and I'll
just plainly hate you for some period of time..

3. To all those people who cared about me today.. Even though
I may not give alot of respond but I wanna thank everyone
that cared! Thanks for caring.. You all made my day. Thx..


So please.. to all the peeps out there. Please don't be a poophole
when I'm stressed k? There ARE times when we can be poopholes
together but for now.. I know it isn't fair for some of you peeps. I'm
sorry k? Once again.. thanks to all the people that cared for me today..

Including :
Xsaye, Lion, Sophie, Mei Huey Jie, Ray Ray,

and finally my Sister who bought this AWESOME cookie for me. :)


hehe. I might seem like a child now but yeah.. This is a confession.. :D

I get emo easily cause of small stuffs.. Who doesn't? But I do cheer up
cause of small things too.. Those are the small things that you people are
doing right now in my life.. :) which is caring..

Care for someone, every second and every word counts.. :)

And this is JenSion again.. Signing off.. :)

-Life is not just about having fun and laughing loud..-
-It's also about giving warmth and understanding tears...-

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