Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm up again! :D

Peace to all in the house~ :D

Well. I'm kinda glad that I'm back in motion now and gaining momentum~ ;D emo-ness aren't really gone but it isn't that bad anymore~ ;D

Anyways~ I'm proud to proclaim that today, I DIDN'T PONTENG AT ALLL! :D WHEEE!! XD
Except that I went down from class early 10 minutes before school end.. well.. wasn't that significant.. teacher ended teaching anyway~ :) well~ actually I gotta thank Zhuo Ying and Ee Won for caring me at class and they actually brought me up for the day~ :) TY~

And also.. hehe.. CREDITS LIST! As you people know, I wasn't feeling that good for the last few days and I really wanted to thank you people ( again.. i know.. but really thanks! :D) for caring~ And here are the people~ (hope I don't lose out anyone)

Credits to:

Form 2 - Khai Ying, Marilyn, Wong Kar Yee~ [Love these bunch of lil kids :)] & others

Form 3 - Xsaye, Mei Huey, Li-ann, Kai Xin, Sophie & friends :) [Awesome batch of juniors]

Form 4 - Rayhan, Ee Won, Zhuo Ying, Sue Yii, Melissa and also some of my classmates :)

Pals from other places - Ivena Hon (THX! :D) Jolene Lew [I SMILED! :)] and also others~ :)

And also everyone else that my memory failed to recall. >_<"

So yeah~ I'm contented.. :) 1 thing when I'm contented.. I found out when I space out, I'm smiling~ xD haha~ and when me emo I start breathing very heavily.. xD lols.. so yeap~

Pointless blog but just wanna tell you people out there that I'm feeling better already(and ty again xD). :D So yeap~ Check me out next time with for JenSionism~ :)

Bai bai~~ :D

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