Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April Fool EVE!

Yeah people! It's April fool eve and I'm feeling sorta tired and down.. >_<"

Well practically today wasn't much of a significant day.. TUITION SUCKS! Had a worthless BM tuition which I slept through and then Ace wasn't bad.. I did the speech titled "What does it means of being a hero/heroine". Well.. teacher said I underdone myself.. so yeah.. I'm not happy.. T_T lawls~ okay.. nvm.

School was okay today.. pontenged as usual before recess, slept through 2 periods of chemistry and then pontenged again for the alst 2 periods.. >_<" wonder how I got such good results.. xD

Well.. finally today's kawad was kinda bad. .>_<" missed out hormat cause of stupid tuition.. T_T so yeah. guess that's all the public should know~

Anyways.. I guess that's all for today.. It's 12 midnight already and dad's mad.. sorry for the uber short post and seeya people again.. till then.. :D

- Da JenSion -

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