Tuesday, March 30, 2010

30th March 2010


So yeah, many many awesome stuffs just happened today~ :D Well firstly, we start from before sleep~ :D

29th March 2010, 8.00pm
Well actually, last night was kinda awesome too! xD I osu!-ed for like 4 hours straight without noticing. O_O songs I played and got seriously addicted of was CaramelDancen, Butterfly - Digimon, Bad Romance - Lady Gaga AND ALSO Dragoon - Hatsune Miku. Those songs were AWESOMELY FUN! XD then father forced me to sleep at 12 midnight.. >_<" So yeah, glad I had enough rest too..

Continue-ing on today~ :D

30th March 2010
So yeah, woke up in the morning as usual, walked to school. And halfway there I suddenly thought "OH YA! Later I need to give a speech on shares for YE!" >_<" Then I walked in to school, hanged out behind the stage during the assembly asking our grand Y.E Managing Director (Gan Chien Nee) about what to say.. And well.. I went up.. and did the speech..

AND WELL!! The speech didn't went on as well as it should.. I knew that I had something to add on but it sort of didn't came into words.. And the speech ended up with.. "So.. Yeah" and a "yeah" was constantly placed behind a sentence.. Like " We are from YE, So.. What is Y.E, yeah.. Well YE is actually a ...... (finishes sentence) yeah." So yeap! That's 1 thing I gotta change next time I make a speech.. >_<".. YEAH~ xD

Well.. Some form 5's found it humourous, Hope it did for majority.. >_<" But the uber sad part is when after the speech for the WHOLE DAY when my friends see me they go "umm.. err.. Soo... Yeah" =w= Its uber annoying at times so please.. I had enough..

So well, that's just morning! :D LOLS! Then after assembly, we went up to class, had 2 periods of "awesome" BM reading a komsas cerpen. >_<>

THEN after that, I went over too the form 3 side of the school and joined them with their recess and then our's :D luls.. Recess was kinda average, Buy rice, buy water, buy snacks then ciao~
After that it was BI, our beloved english teacher Pn. Zuana took us to the library and told us to write an essay over a dream. We could use any books in the library as reference under the condition we do not copy it and we have to write down the book's name at the top of the essay. I took a science encyclopedia about animals. My table-mates was Brendon, Dylan Khoo and also da Kokonuht! (Rayhan) Brendon and Dylan took a book about big cats, Brendon wrote about the tiger and Dylan took the lion (kinda typical isn't it.. >_<) And Rayhan took a book about natural disaster, we wrote about dreaming of being a cyclone! xD Which he didn't let me read it.. :( Lols.
I wrote about the Portugese man-of-war, it was kinda cool.. I wrote the Portugese Man-of-war as a 1st character situation and said how I hunted for food etc.. I ALSO added a UBER kewl part where I said how sad life was as a organism attached to a man-of-war and personalized them as slave working for the main floating chamber who was the brain cause we couldn't afford to survive on our own.. AWESOME RIGHT! XD

Anyway I also learned a cool fact about typhoons, The word typhoon, actually originated from the word 台风 in chinese which came from 大风 in cantonese (dai fung). :D

THEN.. After that it was moral, practically did nothing.. AGAIN.. =.= the YE B.O.D was checking the stock we were gonna sell on sport's day and teacher got interested etc etc.. o_o babble babble babble the ta-da~ :D SCHOOL'S OVER! But not for me! DD:

Well.. I kinda was itchy handed to join st John for their sport's day marching so yeah, I manage to smuggle myself in the team.. And after school was the training.. >__<" Just need to walk more naturally. The others said I was too robotic. So yeah. IMPROVE!! >D

After marching and all we all rested at teh B.K for awhile then we went of to melur. Was around 4pm at that time. xD Went home to put stuffs, then went to melur for 1 hour or so. xD Went with Rayhan, Jun Yu, Xin Ee (Xsaye), Mei Huey, Kai Xin (my owsome neighbour! XD) and also Cheah Pui San. :D Then we went back to SCHOOL! And played an awesome game~ :D We blind folded someone and he/she have to catch someone in a small room.. xD Jun Yu's turn was imba long and my last round was imba short! xD After it started.. Listened for a sound or two to analyse the direction of the people.. the FA PIAK! I ter-hit Pui San's stomach.. >__<" So yeah.. spent an awesome hour then walked home.. AND THIS TIME I DIDN'T Ordinarily walked home.. It was raining heavily, I was in slippers, my slippers' bottom are practically bald and it gets extrmely slippery when wet, so I took off my slippers and RAN ALL THE WAY HOME!! XD LOLS!

It was freaking awesome but got lectured a lil by my sis.. hehe.. >_<" But still today was kinda fun.. :D Hope tomorrow would be okay.. >_<" Having 2 tuition's tomorrow.. BM tuition and Ace Ed-venture.. I'm suppose to give my speech tomorrow.. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN MEMORIZED!! OH NO!! D: T_T LAZY!!! OMG OMG OMG!!

Wonder what the speech is about? Hehe.. I'll answer that TOMORROW along with the details and probably some comments from my friends. xD

Till then, this is Jen Sion signing off~

-toot, toot, toot-


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