Sunday, April 25, 2010

A round over the weekend

Yo people~ as said I promised an update.. But yeah.. I'm kinda drained out today.. So I don't think I can talk about the topics I've chosen.. So yeah. =/ sorry guys.. Just gotta wait..

Anyway.. Talkinga bout DRAINED OUT! Urgh.. This weekend was just tiring.. Well.. To be frank it started from Friday night.. Had the most scariest dream I had in life.. The 1st time I dreamt about someone close to me got hurt so seriously.. Anyway here's the sypnosis (spare the details)

It was about this friend with codename Frog. Well.. In that dream Frog actually went insane.. Then to prevent Frog from hurting someone else.. A dude kinda cut off her right palm (Like really the whole hand was gone).. And he/she was like giving a blank stare at he/she hand then fainted.. Then I kinda woke up traumatized.... =/

Well anyway.. after that went to USJ12's canteen day.. It wasn't all that fun.. but at the end of the day.. I did enjoy it thanks to my friends! :)
(I actually wrote the whole thing but cancelled cause it was very negative.. I don't want my readers to read negative stuffs~ xD)

After that, We went for tuition.. =w=" Our Chemistry teacher Had an emergency leave.. It was a free whole hour from 2-3pm.. Was super tired but didn't slept.. But slept through the whole physics hour afterwards.. Damn.. =w="

After tuition went for epic BASKETBALL! >D Lawls.. it was super fun! :) but had 2 BIG BLISTERS under my feet due to bermain bola dengan berkaki ayam.. Luls..

So yeah.. Practically was drained out cause of canteen day and the aftershocks.. Then at night my mom took me out for dinner with her friends.. Went out for like 2-3 hours and I was super sleepy.. =_=" haiz.. anyway.. reached home at 11pm.. and then watched a movie then slept..


Phew, today was okay.. Just that it was kinda tensed up.. Went to temple for TQG.. The session was fun.. Credits to Swea Ching for making it awesome!

Then yeah.. came the hard part for the committees.. The "after-session-short-meeting".. Well.. the feedback was okay.. Only one of our committee got kinda pressured cause it's her session next week.. And yeah.. had a lot of talks+explaining going around then yeah.. went out to Mcd for Lunch lunch..

Well. that was when alot of arrows came flying around.. Started with Shu Hui saying that people born in 1994 (My age) are bounded with emo-ness cause our koperasi AJK interview was sorta given a cold shoulder from the people they expected alot from and also because alot of we form 4's are more emo nowadays etc.. So yeah..

It was actually okay (I think) until Jer Cheng said it wasn't really fair for us to say we form 4 people are emo etc.. Well.. Then till Lunch we all had a like.. straight forward talk among ourselves... Which was kinda frank to certain people.. Well. I'm glad we had that talk.. We had a clearer picture of what's happening which is a good thing I guess.. =)

After lunch, went back to temple for camp meeting.. It was another semi-stressful event.. While one of the ex-cos was reminding us about the urgency of the camp cause we're kinda behind schedule.. One of the committees broke down cause of the stress.. Her partner wasn't really helpful and she was sort of holding up most of the work.. So yeah.. =/.. Sad case.. Actually I'm quite glad me and my partner are happy with what each of us are doing... =/

Well.. after that came home.. Totally drained.. Tried to sleep.. but failed.. So yeah.. Came on and blogged.. Sorry if this post affects your emotions cause yeah.. this IS quite a negative post.. >w<" So yeah.. I guess that's all for this time..

This is JenSion, signing off once more.. This time with a poem...

"Appreciate the flour you have,
Learn from the milk you've spilt,
Share the cheese, if needed,
And together, You'll make one hell-of-a-cake!"


p.s. This poem actually is reflecting apon life...

Appreciate then things we have around us, and don't take it for granted..
Learn from the mistakes you've done in the past, and don't repeat it...
Share your piece of mind or opinions/problems if needed, find a shoulder to lie on...
And together, I'm sure you can make something meaningful out of this life! :)

-The End-

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Poll & Preview of the next Post! Blog Alive!

Dear readers,

My deepest apologies for the "dead" blog recently.. My mom actually took my laptop to work so I couldn't blog much (Normally I'd blog midnight till 2pm on weekdays).. =w=" Lols.. so yeah..

JenSion's Blog activeness equation :

lack of time and facilities = fainted blog! D:

Anyway I will try to somehow update my blog this weekend.. The subject'll be either of the below

1. The concept of End of the world and wad I think about it? (2012?)

2. FRUIT! >D

3. How does the human mind affects every single reaction of us?

4. Aspects of the most troublesome/annoying people I have ever met in my life. D:

5. A normal blog about life..

Well. .It actually depends 70% on the mood and 30% on what you want to know? I'm giving a choice of either 1, 3, or 4 cause these 3 are more sophisticated subjects and I might need to do some research on it or at least get it down on a paper before typing it out..

Please vote at the cbox! :D Votes are closing this Sat evening. Thx. :)

Every votes count! :)

"While reputation are merely a shadow of our true self,
Our true self are merely a shadow of memories and perceptions"

-Jen Sion-

p.s. For those who haven't read Ivena's blog, go read her blog. It's extremely interesting and meaningful with a jist of humour! Love it! Creditz to Ivena for making an awesome blog! :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm up again! :D

Peace to all in the house~ :D

Well. I'm kinda glad that I'm back in motion now and gaining momentum~ ;D emo-ness aren't really gone but it isn't that bad anymore~ ;D

Anyways~ I'm proud to proclaim that today, I DIDN'T PONTENG AT ALLL! :D WHEEE!! XD
Except that I went down from class early 10 minutes before school end.. well.. wasn't that significant.. teacher ended teaching anyway~ :) well~ actually I gotta thank Zhuo Ying and Ee Won for caring me at class and they actually brought me up for the day~ :) TY~

And also.. hehe.. CREDITS LIST! As you people know, I wasn't feeling that good for the last few days and I really wanted to thank you people ( again.. i know.. but really thanks! :D) for caring~ And here are the people~ (hope I don't lose out anyone)

Credits to:

Form 2 - Khai Ying, Marilyn, Wong Kar Yee~ [Love these bunch of lil kids :)] & others

Form 3 - Xsaye, Mei Huey, Li-ann, Kai Xin, Sophie & friends :) [Awesome batch of juniors]

Form 4 - Rayhan, Ee Won, Zhuo Ying, Sue Yii, Melissa and also some of my classmates :)

Pals from other places - Ivena Hon (THX! :D) Jolene Lew [I SMILED! :)] and also others~ :)

And also everyone else that my memory failed to recall. >_<"

So yeah~ I'm contented.. :) 1 thing when I'm contented.. I found out when I space out, I'm smiling~ xD haha~ and when me emo I start breathing very heavily.. xD lols.. so yeap~

Pointless blog but just wanna tell you people out there that I'm feeling better already(and ty again xD). :D So yeap~ Check me out next time with for JenSionism~ :)

Bai bai~~ :D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The ups and downs..

Dear blog readers..
Hi, Heh.. Well.. Firstly. I'm sick.. My head hurts and I'm feeling fatigue. Not due to H1N1 apparently.. More of a emotional stress problem I guess.. Lately stuffs had been kinda too much.. Actually. I don't really even know what I'm stressing for.. Family? Love? Lack of attention?

Well.. Actually its sorta the 3rd one i guess.. Lately.. haih.. school's been boring.. so I join activities, then when I join.. everytime I come home my family would either be in bad mood or good mood.. It's actually a very sad thing.. Anytime you come home tired and if they're in a bad mood, you're really into it.. My mom will complai about my lifestyle, my dad would scold me for the things I didn't done and my sis would just shout out of higher her voice when talking just a little bit.. And you just get in the bad mood and shout back..

So yeah.. Family issues.. Number one.. About what happened today..

Cloudy Day

Well.. Practically I woke up in a very moodless mood already.. =/ Didn't feel good.. But still went to school.. Went there.. went up to class.. Had a normal Moral, pontenged physics... I've forgotten where I went.. Oh yea.. went to 4C with Desmond and Junyu.. Had epic drawing on each other's hand.. And yeah.. after that was Civic.. Slept through the whole thing.. =( then yeah.. The rain started..


Well.. After sleep.. I wasn't feeling that awesome.. My head hurts, my eyes are freakin red.. My whole body was swaying.. And I was getting irritated by my class' atmosphere by the minute.. urgh.. So yeah.. went out for a walk.. And yeap.. It was Sejarah.. who cares anyway.. =/

Well.. Actually it wasn't that bad at first.. Went down for recess with
the form 3's.. one thing about the form 3's.. They never fail to make
you feel better. :) was pretty moody when going downstairs.. Then
yeah.. Thank god xsaye and Li-ann cheered me up.. :) They're good
people... And apparently my eye's was red for the whole day cause
of sensitive eyes.. And sophie was kinda fascinated by it. =w=" well..
after that went to find Mei Huey at the library.. Talked about some
stuff which is actually kinda troublesome/sad.. then went on.

Actually IMO, 1st recess is always nice.. Enjoy it so much more than
the 2nd.. the 2nd recess is always full of stale people & stale food.
Sorry peeps..

Well after both recess.. I practically slept through half of chemistry..
Couldn't stand the lab's air ventilation.. so yeah.. after that was bio!
urgh! That lab's even worse.. So yeah.. pontenged again but wasn't
that lucky now.. =/.. Got caught by Rozaimi 15 min before school
ended. =( and yeah.. after school went to Bilik Kesihatan (BK) and
that was when the signs of the storm showed.

Before the Storm


Well.. It was actually still ok inside BK.. then suddenly I had to sleep
after that i was feeling seriously sick.. I could feel my head hurts and
my whole body tensing up.. =/.. Well.. Tried to help out Mei huey in
her typing for St John stuffs but phailed cause she didn't knew what
to type.. =w= and yeah.. After i went home.. There came the drama.

The Breakdown


Yeah.. Went home.. Slept.. waited for my mom to come back
home.. then I sorta like told everything to her.. =( was feeling
real bad after that.. Told her most of the stuffs I wasn't so happy
about.. And she got it I guess.. I was just lacking some attention
and just wanted some people to care about me.. hehe~well.. cried..
slept.. then went to tuition at night.. came back.. blogged..

-End of Story-

But there are something that I wish to clarify..

1. Whenever you see I'm quiet.. I'm not emo-ing. .I'm just friggin
tired and stressed cause of class.. and there's a 90% chance I
just woke up(bad mood alert)...

2. When I'm emo.. please don't come over and just say hi or yo
wassup then walk away, You're gonna annoy me more and I'll
just plainly hate you for some period of time..

3. To all those people who cared about me today.. Even though
I may not give alot of respond but I wanna thank everyone
that cared! Thanks for caring.. You all made my day. Thx..


So please.. to all the peeps out there. Please don't be a poophole
when I'm stressed k? There ARE times when we can be poopholes
together but for now.. I know it isn't fair for some of you peeps. I'm
sorry k? Once again.. thanks to all the people that cared for me today..

Including :
Xsaye, Lion, Sophie, Mei Huey Jie, Ray Ray,

and finally my Sister who bought this AWESOME cookie for me. :)


hehe. I might seem like a child now but yeah.. This is a confession.. :D

I get emo easily cause of small stuffs.. Who doesn't? But I do cheer up
cause of small things too.. Those are the small things that you people are
doing right now in my life.. :) which is caring..

Care for someone, every second and every word counts.. :)

And this is JenSion again.. Signing off.. :)

-Life is not just about having fun and laughing loud..-
-It's also about giving warmth and understanding tears...-

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Failure for Fruits~ D:

Yo all~

Haha.. As most people might know.. 2 days ago I had this amazing urge to blog about fruits.. Strawberry Rush~ xD

Anyways~ I bought this amazing box of strawberries last Friday at it tasted AWESOME!! :D It was so awesome I gobbled 5 strawberries within 1 minute! D: Stopped myself from finishing it and snapped a picture. xD


It's at night anyway so forgive the lightings~ xD

So yeah.. I phailed to blog on fruits. T_T I typed everything halfway~ then POOF! Google Chrome hanged cause of shockwave player crashed. =w= (Damn photobucket) and yeah.. Couldn't do a thing.. =w=" Anyway~ moving on~

11th April 2010..

Today morning was kinda sad.. =/.. Lost my 2 rabbits.. they passed away.. =/.. Might because of they're still small and fragile to sickness etc.. Haiz.. well... So sad.. T_____T They were such adorable creatures.. T_T everyday manja me de~ T_T sobs.. well.. anyway.. after burying them at the morning.. went to temple..

Stayed at temple for almost the whole day~ D: Then came back~ Then came to blog! :D YEAH! anyways.. I UPLOADED THE page i drew when I was emoing during moral~ xD Notice the awesome birdy~ ;D


Well.. okay.. planned to blog longer.. =w=" but mom's expecting me to do some job now.. so yeah. Sowwi peeps~ It's all for today~ Bye bye~ ;D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A not so shining but pretty much good day.

Yo peeps~ I'm back this time.. finally grabbed some time to blog a little.. So yeah.. here goes..

Practically today wasn't quite a good day.. =_=" I kinda got busted at school for going down to recess earlier. And that sort of ruined my day.. Well.. I guess lately I just didn't notice the emotional stress I've been having lately.. Too much responsibility I guess.. So yeah.. Today wasn't so pretty..

Also.. Haha.. i don't know if I should say this in public but.. Argh.. who cares.. =_=".. Well.. today I sorta had a mini breakdown in school.. haiz.. =w=". It was moral actually.. Came in class.. Sat down and teacher explained about all the moral folio thingy.. >_<" Then i was staring at the paper.. I dunno.. at that time I felt kinda depressed.. I wanted to release it so much.. So damn much.. so yeah.. took up my pencil and my notebook then started scribbling.. Doodled a chibi eagle, a emoticon with a big stress word on top.. (sorry no pics) and also a long argue on paper with myself.. So yeah.. after that I felt really bad.. I just let my head down abit and looked like I was sleeping and yeah.. Few drops of salt water slipped out from my eyes.. I dunno.. today was kinda depressing.. =/ After moral was Add maths.. I got so tireed I just collapsed and slept for the hour..

So yeah.. I emo-ed.. =/ went to YE meeting after that.. Cheered up a little there.. Was more of a light and easy meeting.. =) Talked about stock challenge.. I'm kinda nervous actually.. hehe XD so yeah.. After that hanged out at B.K from 2.30pm till 4pm like that.. While most of us were hangin' in, chillin' out. Somebody and somebody (sweet couple) went dating somewhere else the school.. Haha.. Happy for them.. 1st time seeing those 2 smiling so sweetly for so long.. haha.. xD

Well.. And lately.. the drama season has rised again.. Looking around everyone is having a target or not already in pairs already.. Kokonuht is with you-know who~ JunYu also.. Kelvin's one was also quite a suprise to me.. And Desmond's.. ah poor desmond.. =w= just because of this thing he got himself quite into some drama.. =/ Shouldn't be letting juice flowing around freely so yeah.. Anything can come ask me.. I'll telll you what you should know for the benefit of all.. =/

So yeah.. Wad? About me? haha~ I'm not really into this stuff~ Don't really have any particular target.. Just enjoying the company of everyone around me. :D Life isn't all about love right? So yeah~ Currently this fruit has not ripen so haha.. You gotta wait for some juice.. xD that's all..

So yeah, I'll try to end this with a brief summary of sport's day.. :D

Well, Hari sukan was Awesome~ :D Marched for St John and sold button bracelets for Y.E! I kinda messed up during marching so paiseh to all! >_<" but the button bracelets sales was awesome! The red ones and blue one's were already sold out within 90 minutes! Awesome right! :D Then after that we walked to Pizza hut to have lunch with the St Johns~ then went to Rayhan's house for a uber cool karaoke session~ ;D That time almost everyone was smsing someone.. o_o except like me and Kelvin.. sad kelvin.. sad me.. xD lols~

So yeah.. That concludes the short blog for today~ ;D thx and bai~

p.s.Hope I don't emo anymore~~ T_T lols.. bye bye~ ;D