Monday, November 1, 2010

Exams vs Happiness

Hey people~ This is yours truly Jan ZEON again~ :D


So yeah People~ Mah exams are officially over~ (SCREW SIVIK! =w=”) So woohoo~~ ;D Today’s paper 3 was totally kinda waste of time.. xD Finished physics 3 in 45 min and Chemistry 3 in 30 min. xD Slept all the way thru and Maybe offended the last teacher that looked after our class Pn Zuana. x_x” I was just feeling very restless when I woke up. xP oh well..


Anyways, I’m feeling extremely like an Old Lady now so I’m gonna give a long MODERATE lecture or sharing about this term….



Yeap.. The thing that all people crave. Happiness.. Bliss, Rapture, Joy, Contentment, orgasmic, Warm & Fuzzy. There are tonnes of words that can be used to describe different and different type of happiness.. But the main point is.. How do we obtain Happiness?


Well actually, What I think about happiness is.. It’s totally up to you thing.. You can never ever force someone to feel happy nor take away happiness from somebody. Happiness is a feeling, a feeling of joy and content when you obtain things that goes along your will.  To be happy, all you need to do is just this, :


Don’t think, don’t try, don’t attempt, don’t find excuses,

just BE HAPPY!

Sure, you might say that it’s easier said than done, but no… being happy is 1 of the most easiest thing in the world.. You don’t a Ferrari or a half an Acre Mansion or a Megan Fox/Taylor Lautner on your lap to make you happy. :O! All you need is a heart.. A

E> content heart <3.


But either way.. People will give tonnes and tonnes and TONNES of excuses on why they can’t be truly happy. For example :

  • People just don’t understand my worries
  • I don’t trust anyone to share my worries so I’ll be forever voided from true happiness
  • There’s a deep me that no one of you do not understand.
  • Happiness is just not meant for emo and worthless people like me

Well SCREW IT! SCREW you worries! SCREW your trust! SCREW you deep you… And if you’re feeling emo and worthless, then well.. We’ll need a electronic drill for that..


WHO ON EARTH does not have any worries? It’s up to you to keep it private or not depending on the condition. Yet for yourself, don’t let that become a barrier between you and happiness. Same for trust. At least trust yourself and let yourself be happy. And if you’re really feeling worthless people.. BUCK UP! Get on your feet and start walking man! Think that you’re awesome than you’ll be~ :D



Oh yeah. Also 1 condition where I can’t really stand.. Groups of people crying during a funeral and PROHIBITS any jokes or laughter during the funeral… Well actually.. try to think yourself as the departed… On your death bed, after your spirit had rose from the body, you stare down at your family and friends, which would you want to happen?


1. All of them crying their asses off until mucus is all over their face and they’re keep shouting Jen Sion ah~~!! WHY YOU GO UNTIL SO EARLY~~ JEN SION AHHHHH~~~!!!


2. Everyone there, calm, reciting all the good deeds you have done in the past, how great of a brother or friend you had been. And after you’re gone, they wish you a smooth road after that.


So yeah. You get my point… I hope you did.. ;O! So there’s no point banning laughter during a funeral. The best we can show as a friend is support to the family members, saying how well did the departed was, how did he liven up lives of others. And as a family we should be wishing him a smooth journey instead of being a burden to the already worried departed. :O!


Okay.. anyways I think I can’t think straight anymore.. I’m semi blanking out again.. Drowsiness taking over.. x_x” I need some quality sleeping.. x_x”

Ahh.. oh well.. I think I’ll stop here and post whatever I have… So yeah… In conclusion,


Happiness comes from the heart,

It can’t be measured, or located or created scientifically.

It is just that little thing that could change your whole life’s perspective.

So when you’re in a joyful moment, be content and happy…

Appreciate that moment and not think about any other negative issues.

What’s the use of something if you can’t enjoy it right?


So yeap yeap~ This is the awesome Jan ZEON~


Signing off with wide smile~ :)

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