Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy 53rd Merdeka Everyone~ =D

Hey people!

It's MERDEKA DAY! :D And even though alot of people might not think much of this day... I'm kinda glad that it's merdeka and we should really appreciate this land we're standing on despite the distracting politics going on~ =D Malaysia is still a very peaceful & beautiful land! :D

Anyways I went to the temple at 8am today morning for our youth's Patriotic choir and something~ xP Had free murtabak then went and sing with all the other people~ It was fun when we're waiting and chatting on the shoe rack~ haha xP Then after chatting like mad people making fun of our dear Bimbotic friend Min Hui. :P we went for the choir.. played with flags~ xD I played with the large flag pole though.. YEAP! I was raising the flag~ xD

It was my 1st experience raising a flag though... It's kinda okay if you follow the tempo of the song and measure the song & the flag pole.. Then we had an awesome cake sponsored by our temple~ hehe~ x]

Later we went the the shrine hall for the exam blessings and watched the people with cemerlang results get their award cash.. yep.. $_$ But I didn't get any cause we need at least 7A for PMR and I got 6.. T_T" sobs... Niways~ we were chatting and clapping and screaming for the people that we know when they went up for the award. xP haha

And Szeto WeiQi is sick today.. o_o" Flu I guess... And she's looks kinda similar to Rayhan when he was sick yesterday.. well.. I guess germs spread.. xP Hope they get well soon~~

ALSO JUST IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW, My alchohol capacity is super bad... I get dizzy after 2 cans of beer.. And Irish coffee... x_x" I'm dead man.. Just a quarter cup with an empty stomach and my reflexes slowed down and after bathing.. OMG!! I was sleeping in my sweater in FULL LENGTH SLEEVES and ZIPPED and also 1 thick layer of blanket.. x_x"

Guess I kinda understand how those drug addicts feel when they wake up at 6am to bath and shiver like mad.. I was shivering even under those thick layers of warmth.. x_x" mati sia~~

And I guess that's all I have to say for today~ =D Haha~ Don't know what to do anymore.. Maybe have a nap during a thunderstorm. x]

And that's all I guess.. Good night everyone~ xD



Sunday, August 29, 2010

Daughtry - September

I decided to share this song cause it gives me the very hearty feeling.. The camp song like feeling.. =] Reminds me so much of all the fun things I had in all the camps.. TDC, St John Camp, Koperasi camp.... Especially those night scenes.. ahh.. xP

Perfect for a camp theme song / BGM for camp slide show~ xD

So yeah... Love ya guys~ =]

With a heartiful feeling,
-Jen Sion-

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another Round of Life

Hey People~

Looong time since I'd blog.. Yeah... Anyways.. Just to catch up on all the long things I've missed out sharing this few months.. Lets find a spot to start.. Oh yeah.. School..

Oh well.. School's getting better.. We have this new awesome English teacher in probation named Ms Anis.. She's really sweet and cool and she did like the most AWESOMEST activities I've ever had in my whole high school life! =] The best one was when we had to make songs based on the theme "courage" =] It made us feel 'glee-like'.. Well.. At least I'm not the boy that's always missing in class anymore~ =]

Also have I mentioned about my Modern Maths teacher.. Well that's the opposite.. I can see that she really despite me.. Oh well.. I DID made her mad.. I don't do her homeworks, I sleep during her class, I ponteng her class occasionally... So yeah.. she hates me.. And the cool part is now.. whenever its her class.. She'll either say "Eh kenapa budak 4A di sini Yeah? (I'm actually 4B, she's trying to kick me out)" or "EH JENSION!! Kenapa tak tidur??" or something like that.. She IS kinda PMSing lately though~ oh well..

My studies are semi ok right now.. Needta brush up op chemistry and physics... Also BM.. I did my classwork during BM tuition last week.. which is the 1st time since like.. urmm... form2? xD Well~ I'm pretty glad I did.. It was cool getting to see yourself write well~ xD I'm actually quite good with essays and karangans~ Just that.. I suck at the grammer/tatabahasa part =P
p.s. My moral still suck.. =P and guess what.. Kerja Amal is due by this thursday and I haven't even started it.. x_x"

Well.. Other than that.. english classes really liven up the class now~ =] got oral coming up which is hopefully gonna be fun~ Our class even have a blog! :D check up my links~ =] We got an awesome Brother Black which can speak aussie english real well and also a Super Pro Chef which is taller than me~ Haha. Jealous? You betcha! xP

anyways.. Moving ON~~ :D

SJBAYS (My personal getaway)
Well.. Actually this is like the only place where I can be like... ME.. Without thinking too much or anything.. Cause at SJBAYS.. I actually feel.. Happy with the people around you.. You know that everyone is here for one reason... That is for each other..I guess that's why I was so inspired to join the committees for TQG and also the uber awesome TDC12. =] Maybe I wanted to commit more to the community that really helped me that much...

I've never really done this before.. But actually.. to all the people that I've met at any YS activities (TQG / TDC11 & 12) I'm really happy I've met you all.. You all made me the person I am now.. I'm serious.. This is like that place where I learn and grow the most.. =] The place where I actually feel.. content~ haha xP


Also.. talking about being a committee! My sister is part of the programming team for YDC19 which is happening this DEC! XD She's new.. But I DO hope she'll learn from it just as much as I did.. It's addictive actually.. haha xP Gila kuasa~ :P

Niways~ I might have bunch of people out there that might even not know who am I talking to but.. GLAD I WROTE!! XD now moving on~ :D

Well.. Co-cu activities lately been really packing.. but yet.. Life's never fun if its empty right? xP so lets start on YE!

Well YE is actually a programme made for 16 years old to learn to make a company and run business.. It's a very beneficial thing.. I kinda enjoyed it even though there are quite a number of human-relationship complications in it.. nevertheless it was fantastic! :D Happy working with you guys! Gan.. You're a great boss! =]

Moving on is the the club I actually enjoyed alot even though I never found out until recently.. Choir. =] Anthea, you're a great choir master! =] thanks for all the fun cannons and also the few jokes that we choir people have.. I kinda miss Hols practice.. x_x"

And to the new choir BOD! I'm not sure if I'm even in.. But we've gotta make it strong and hard K!!?? Let's at least be content with our awesome memories we had in this choir as an AJK! >D

And also to the new choir members!! (I know you're reading!! xP) BUCK UP GALS!(And Benjee~) xP You people are actually very lucky to be able to join this easily and early.. When Me, Des and Ray wanted to join we had auditions and we could only join at form 3.. So enjoy it as much as you can k? Don't take it as a burden! Choir should be something we want! >D If choir is a meal~ I'd say that all those training and experiences we gain from here is our main dish.. our main pride.. our main goal.. Winning would be the dessert~ You won't need it.. but it'll make you end your meal in satisfaction.. So.. yeah.. WHY NOT? XP

Keep up the good work and practice! We'll make it! >D

And finally to end it with something that'll Link I guess almost everyone single one of us...

Human Relationships
And well.. talking about relationships I'll first say that this post will be more on FRIENDSHIP. So don't get disappointed if there's no juice k? xP

Talking about friends actually what I've been thinking lately is I've been missing out alot of old friends lately... One of the few people that I actually miss alot now is like.. Ivena Hon. o_o" Yeah.. Ivena, you're a talkalot! but also a great friend! xP You're one of the friends where I find it hard to put a full stop when smsing you~ =] Glad you went through life's bump and is a more happier you! >D

And talking about relationships... Every guy I know that's close to me are like having a girlfriends already.. o_o" Kelvin, Jun yu, Rayhan.. And Desmond of course... And me? I'm still single~ xP I enjoy being single anyway.. I actually you know.. Kinda don't like the trouble of being in a relationship.. I know that some people might dislike me or find me weird.. But yeah... that's me~ =] I'm probably more of alone-type~ =]

Actually I enjoy being alone.. =/ You feel so... free.. =).. there's no people you have to be considerate of.. No one to stop you.. no one to pull you or push you in anyway.. You're on your own.. =]..
You know that if I could make my dream home.. It'll be a simple 1 and a half story house.. the top floor is the "Memory room".. In there will be a laptop.. Cupboards of stuffs from my past.. Pictures.. Key chain.. Even a mechanical pencil if i managed to preserve it. xP

Then downstair I'll have a simble wooden platform with a mattress on it as my sleeping spot.. Fans.. And a terrace to put 1 'lazy chair' to take my afternoon naps~ xP then also I wan also a simple wooden door and also a nice spot to watch the night sky.. maybe the garden or the terrace.. And if possible I want the house beside either a lake or better.. I BROAD WIDE EMPTY FOOTBALL FIELD! So you can like go there and lie down and feel the breeze.. and hear the cheers if the boys are playing....

ANYWAY!!!! I think I seriously wrote too much this time.. So Imma take a break for now and probably blog next time when I'm in the mood again... So yeah people... Short update of my life for now..

See ya people~
Love you all always!

" Look in the mirror and stare at your reflection...
Compare the image you saw in the past...
And imagine the image in the future...
Things changes...Time to time, bit by bit...
But it is how we change ourselves that affects us most.....
As it doesn't only affect "One"... But also "All"

-"inspiration" by Tan Jen Sion-